Custom software developing services
Easy Control - build Windows applications for serial and TCP/IP communications Version 2.0
Easy Control is a script engine intended to build small to medium Windows application targeted to serial communication (that talk with devices connected to PC serial ports ) and TCP/IP communications. Application examples can be human
interfaces for serial devices like microcontroller boards, ham radios, alarms, sound systems. General purpose Windows application can be easyly built too.
The script language is Basic like, typeless, very easy to learn and use.
Features a built-in editor with coloring syntax hilighting, autocompletition and parameter hints.
Windows GUI interfaces for applications can be built the free Rack Designer application (see below) which include a nice set of controls from analog voltmeters buttons, sliders, LCDs to a scope like display, with input, output or just for design purpose.
Applications can be built to run standalone, royalty free !