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© Cosmin Buhu


Obsolete software - similar custom application can be produced for Android and iOS !

GGlocatorBB - GPSGate location client for Blackberry smartphones
See your Buddies or Vehicles in Google Maps or Blackberry Maps!


As seen on Blackberry 8800 screen

    GPSGate is an online service for Internet based GPS tracking. On you can create a personal account to get access to BuddyTracker, VehicleTracker or TrackStore services. Read more about GPSGate

    The web interface of GPSGate on PC screen is really intuitive and full of features, serving users with loads of information, graphic and text. Unfortunately this web interface, because of its complexity, does not work in mobile devices like PDAs and phones due to their reduced web browsers implementations. Here comes in scene GGlocatorBB, a clever utility which downloads the buddies (for Buddy Tracker application) or vehicles (for Vehicle Tracker) list from the server, displays it and lets you select buddies/vehicles and show their latest locations in Google Maps or Blackberry Maps. Only two clicks are needed to find your buddy or vehicle position, nicely overlaid on a map!
Then, using the map software you can save or get directions to this location.

Shows GGlocatorBB downloading buddies from and locating them on Blackberry Maps:

    Features nice and simple user interface, versatile settings, choice to use Google Maps or Blackeberry Maps.
Fleet pricing available, branding on your company and custom modifications and additions are possible.

    Instructions to configure your own GPSGate account and to install the software package into your Blackberry smartphone here.

    Trial package is available here, fully functional, only 2 buddies/vehicles in the list can be located.
- OTA, jad file is here, point your Blackberry browser to it for easy download and install.


More about GPSGate:
    With BuddyTracker you can follow people and objects that have a GPS with an Internet connection. You can also share your own position by connecting your GPS to GpsGate.
    VehicleTracker is a web based vehicle tracking solution for business users. It offers realtime tracking, reports, history and flexible file exports.
    TrackStore can be used to log all position reports from anything equipped with an Internet connection and GPS, such as persons, vehicles, goods or animals.
    You can have your own hosted server or even your own company server. For more details on this feature rich service please visit their website.